Law and Politics Wesley R. Elsberry on 24 Aug 2012
2012 Presidential Race Poll: How Do You Really Feel?
Mike Haubrich asked on Facebook whether anyone was voting for Mitt Romney because they liked Mitt Romney. Voting is a bit ambiguous. It delivers a decision but abstracts away the associations, losing links to causes. This poll is aimed to help fill in some of the gaps.
The following choices cover some of the common reasons to vote as well as what a vote will be. Please choose exactly one of the checkboxes highlighted in green, and whatever other checkboxes apply to your voting plans. So if, for instance, you feel that Mitt Romney is personally the right candidate for the job, you would check both the "Want Mitt Romney" and "Will Vote for Mitt Romney" checkboxes at a minimum. The program accepts exactly one vote per IP address. A second entry from a previously-polled IP address overwrites the old values with the new values. Obviously, this means that the IP address is associated with a data entry. If you feel this is too personally identifying, please don't use this poll.
Poll Results
These graphs are updated every quarter hour. Your polling results will not be seen in the graph until the next update.
The raw numbers are given here:

Vote proportions in the "not" votes. People who indicated that a motivation was voting for someone other than one of the major party candidates and who indicated a vote for one of the three other choices in the poll are tallied here. The proportion is done as the number of associated votes for a class of candidate divided by the sum over the three possible other candidates times 100 to get a percentage.

With very few votes for Romney recorded, there was a difference in the distribution of votes of those voting for not-Obama versus not-Romney. Fewer of the not-Obama voters recorded a vote for the major party opponent than in the not-Romney case. As more votes are recorded, the distributions are getting more similar.
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