Back To Academia

Barring some difficulty with grant administration, I’ll be taking a leave of absence from the National Center for Science Education in January and taking up a university research position on a one-year grant. As Glenn Branch noted to me, I’ll be giving up professional status in the evolution/creation socio-political controversy to become yet another academic amateur so far as science education advocacy is concerned.

Once the soft money firms up sufficiently, I’ll give further details on where I’m headed, who I’ll be working with, and what we’ll be working on. Otherwise, this will all be a big, “Never mind” moment. This work will be taking advantage of my interdisciplinary background in biology and computer science, which is a cool thing.

There are other issues, of course. I’ll defer discussions of things like doing things past the traditional age, the logistics of having two academically oriented people in a marriage, and economics.

As a practical matter, I may be posting even less often from now until sometime late in January, when we should be in our new location. Packing and especially downsizing our stuff will be taking priority.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Falconer. Interdisciplinary researcher: biology and computer science. Data scientist in real estate and econometrics. Blogger. Speaker. Photographer. Husband. Christian. Activist.

5 thoughts on “Back To Academia

  • 2006/12/25 at 12:25 pm


  • 2006/12/25 at 9:00 pm

    Congrats, Wes!

    Hopefully you’ll still be posting of AtBC.

  • 2006/12/25 at 10:33 pm

    Yes, I’ll still have an oar, or oars, in the water. I’m still planning on commenting here, at PT, TD, and AE. I still have tending the TalkOrigins Archive to do. So basically I’m stepping back, antievolution-watching-wise, to where I was in 2003, except that PT has been added since then.

  • 2006/12/26 at 8:08 am

    That’s mean! Not letting us know were you’re going or what you’ll be doing. For scientists, it’s cruel and unusual punishment!

    Anyway, congratulations on your return to academia. I can hardly wait to hear what you’ll be up to next year. I hope NCSE can survive without you for a year. :-)

  • 2006/12/27 at 9:54 am

    Thank you for everything that you’ve done for NCSE, Wes.

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