Back from OSLEP

I’m back home from a five-day seminar for the Oklahoma Scholars Leadership Enhancement Program (OSLEP). There were nine student participants, with a wide diversity of backgrounds, and two observing faculty. We covered current events, had a primer on evolutionary biology, discussed the various forms of antievolution, went over legal issues, and wrapped things up earlier today. We also had a field trip to the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History and a guided tour of the evolution exhibit there, a visit to the library’s special holdings in the history of science, and a trip to a planetarium. We heard in class from Dr. Michael Strauss on anthropic principles and T. Russell Hunter, OU IDEA Club president, on intelligent design, and Prof. Richard Tepker concerning various court cases.

Dr. Stephen Weldon helped keep the discussions moving and provided a historical perspective. Jeri Smalley kept things organized, and Dr. Helen DeBolt put it all together, including Friday night dinner at her home.

I’m encouraged about how this seminar went, and like the way that higher education in Oklahoma supports educational opportunities like this OSLEP course. Hat’s off to my students, colleagues, and the administrators who made this possible.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Falconer. Interdisciplinary researcher: biology and computer science. Data scientist in real estate and econometrics. Blogger. Speaker. Photographer. Husband. Christian. Activist.