More Adventures in Recuperation, #8

The new medications are having an effect, all right. I still have ups and downs from day to day in how much discomfort I have, but the total number of trips to the bathroom each day have definitely been cut.

Thanksgiving went well. Diane and I went to visit her cousin John, his wife Laurie, and daughter Bryana. Diane’s cousin Scott and his wife, Wei-Wei, also came up from the Los Angeles area. John’s house is on several acres a bit north of Salinas. Diane was able to take the dogs and hawks out right from the house to check the area out. No prey was spotted or caught, but apparently the walks went well. I stayed at the house, pretty much. I did set up lighting and take some pictures of the family there together on Saturday night.

When I got back Sunday night, I found that I had about 700 spam comments on this blog to remove. I’ve upgraded the WP software to a later version and installed a plugin that provides a link in email sent to the person posting the comment; the comment will not appear until the link is clicked. This should cut back on the poker/drugs/porn spam comments here. Sorry for the inconvenience, but believe me, clicking on a link is a lot simpler than removing 700 comments by hand.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Falconer. Interdisciplinary researcher: biology and computer science. Data scientist in real estate and econometrics. Blogger. Speaker. Photographer. Husband. Christian. Activist.

2 thoughts on “More Adventures in Recuperation, #8

  • 2004/11/30 at 12:00 am

    Wes and Diane,
    It was a pleasure to meet you both and your extended family (including the feather and fur members). I had a great time and a workout on the hawk walk Although distance may limit visits, I do look forward to seeing you again.

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