Beaked Whale Stranding in the Azores
This came across MARMAM just now.
Subject: [MARMAM] Six Beaked Whales stranded in Azores (URGENT)
From: “marc fernandez”
Date: Sat, June 27, 2009 5:47 amDear Colleagues, I want to report an unusual situation occurred during the last week and a half in São Miguel island, Azores, and ask for help in order to get some clear conclusions. During the last two weeks a total of *6 beaked whales stranded* on this small island, a really unusual fact. Of these *6 two were dead and 4 stranded alive *and returned to the open sea. From the first two animals (the dead ones) we only can get one identification and it was a Cuvier's Beaked Whale, probably an immature male. The other four animals stranded on a beach and they were returned to the sea immediately by the lifeguards and the coastal guard, for these reason we don't have a lot of information, but for the pictures they send us probably were Sowerby's Beaked Whales, we only now that they stranded alive and probably they were immature animals also, due to the body lenght (about 3.5 meters). We don't have any notice about military activities in the area, but is really difficult to get this kind of information, for this reason i want to ask you for help to find if there is any military or seismic prospection on the area that could affect these animals. Thanks for your help. All the best, Marc Fernandez Morron Universidade dos Açores
Marc Morron is asking about military exercises because there is a known correlation between use of mid-frequency military sonar and injury to beaked whales. If anyone has any information, please leave a comment.
Dear Marc,
I work as a news editor for a beaked whale organisation called The Beaked Whale Resource hosted by the charity ORCA (Organisation Cetacea). I write a regular news report on sightings / strandings of beaked whales from around the world to help raise their awareness. I have come across the above but unfortunately cannot read the whole email (the right side of the email is cut off). I am very interested in hearing about the standings in the Azores and if you had any photo’s that would be even better. Would you be able to forward me the email along with any additional findings / photo’s? I could provide a link to your website if you have one and of course will reference any information you give me.
Your help would be very much appreciated. In the mean time I will ask around to see if anyone can help with your query. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,