Uncommon Upheaval
William Dembski’s weblog, Uncommon Descent, underwent a recent facelift. Following a server change and software upgrade, Dembski announced his retirement from heading the weblog, citing work going on with Robert Marks. Dembski announced that Barry Arrington would now be in charge of the weblog. That left people speculating about “blog czar” David Scott “DaveScot” Springer, the person who handled most of UD’s heavy moderation duties in the past.
Wonder no longer. Barry Arrington had a thread titled, “DaveScot is no longer with us”, this morning, saying that Springer had “resigned” from his moderator post.
I had no idea Barry Arrington was that fond of spending time in the WordPress administration console.
Update: UD’s Infinitely Plastic Past shrugs and, behold, the post now has a friendlier title: “DaveScot has resigned”.
They do have a long and honoured history of adjusting the past to better suit themselves Wes. Speaking of Marks and Dembski, have you ever heard back whether or not the pair of them have managed to correctly understand Dawkins’ ‘weasle’ program?
Within the past month Dembski confirmed that he is sticking to the same old error about Dawkins’ “weasel” program.