The DI CRSC Has Another Hissy Fit
The DI CRSC is complaining about the upcoming PBS Nova special, “Judgment Day”. The DI has titled their post, “PBS and NOVA Set to Spin Their Wheels in Dramatization of Dover ID Trial”.
That’s real interesting. The DI is still in denial that the Kitzmiller case is over, their experts were either missing or humiliated on the witness stand, and their side lost. They are having a nice little fantasy that broad public notice of this will be “spinning wheels” on the part of PBS and Nova.
And the cherry on top? They spend most of their time in a nostalgic reverie concerning a WGBH memo from back before the PBS “Evolution” series came out.
If I were the DI, I’d want to travel back to pre-2005, too.
To add insult to injury, DI’s 5-year plan (a.k.a. The Wedge Document) included a PBS show such as Nova treating design theory fairly.
I love Ancient History. Veni, Vidi, Whine, Whine, Whine! (But I wish I would have paid better attention in Latin Class.)
They’ve gotten their wish, and they’re still not happy!
Remarkably, according to Nova’s senior executive producer of Nova:
“However, Michael Behe, Scott Minich, and other ID proponents affiliated with the Discovery Institute declined to be interviewed under the normal journalistic conditions that NOVA uses for all programs. In the midst of our discussions, we even offered to provide them with complete footage of the interviews, so that they could be reassured that nothing would be taken out of context. But they declined nonetheless.”
The DI IDC advocates talk big about free and open discussion of ideas, but when it comes down to it, they much prefer if they can dictate the limits of the discussion with absolute authority. This is just the latest instance of IDC advocates refusing to talk to the media. They had their high-water mark of exploiting over-credulous reporters in 2001, though there have been scattered PR wins for them with various reporters who should have known (or found out) better since then.